PNC Grow Up Great
PNC Grow Up Great provided major support for a range of Sesame Street’s early learning initiatives.
Since 2004, PNC and Sesame Workshop have partnered to create a broad range of bilingual (English and Spanish), multiple media early learning initiatives that highlight the idea that learning can happen anywhere.
Recent projects include Words Are Here, There, and Everywhere, which helped to develop children’s vocabularies, building on their natural curiosity around science, the arts, and math. With Math Is Everywhere, young children explored math in the everyday world. For Me, for You, for Later: First Steps to Spending, Sharing, and Saving allowed families to share experiences in developing financial basics that will impact their children now and in the future. Growing Together: Ready for School and Beyond, provides Sesame Street resources to help providers and parents increase their knowledge about how preschoolers learn through in-the-moment, brain-building interactions.
Our current work provides resources that help children develop a strong sense of themselves while respecting and celebrating differences.
Check out these resources on learning circles and celebrating classroom communities

Inside, Outside With Bert & Ernie
Children can play—and learn!—along with Bert and Ernie as they observe and notice, gather and collect, sort and match, and use clues that build reasoning skills.

Learn & Grow: Inside, Outside, on the Go
Learning can happen anytime, anywhere—inside, outside, or on the go!

Learning Party
When children feel welcome and included, school can feel like a learning party that they’re invited to each and every day!

Sing-Along: Learning Party
Every day can be a celebration of learning. Keep the music going!

Welcome, Artists
Learning is all about relationships… and relationships with teachers are special!

My Classroom Circle
Children can create their own unique circle canvas to share their favorite things with their classroom community… and see what they may have in common.

Just for Teachers: The Magic of Circle Time
Learning is all about relationships!

Cookie Monster at Circle Time
A storybook about circle time, classroom community, caring friends, and… COOKIES!

C is for…
Classroom communities care, collaborate, show compassion… and celebrate!

Remembering Our Time Together
A video about the good feelings family memories can bring.

Seeds for Good
An activity page reminding children that even little acts of kindness can make a big difference.

Try It! I Am Somebody
An activity page with a strategy that can help set the stage for a lifetime of confidence, pride, and strength!

The Wonderful in You
A video with Muppet parents singing about the pride they have for their little ones.

Activity Page: The Wonderful in You
A parent-child activity page encouraging bonding.

Together We Shine & Sparkle
An activity about how we’re all connected… and how we’re stronger together.

Sing the Wonderful! Lyric sheet
A printable lyric sheet for the song “The Wonderful in You.”

Our Big Lives
A printable coloring page.

Peaceful Problem Solving
There are lots of creative ways to handle conflict in the classroom.

Meet the Providers: Joseph and Callie
A video introducing two preschool teachers with insights to share.

A Welcoming Space
A video presenting insights and strategies from preschool teachers.

Teacher Tips
Strategies on pro-social skills from a preschool teacher.

Dream Big!
An 11-page adult-child activity book focusing on celebrating what makes us each unique, how we’re all connected, and how little ones can build a better world!
First steps to spending, sharing, and saving

Elmo’s Spend, Share, and Save Jars
Watch Elmo and Abby learn financial education basics.

Wants and Needs with Bert and Ernie: Financial Education for Kids
Watch Bert help Ernie learn the difference between wants and needs.

Making a Spending Plan Together
Watch Cookie Monster learn about making a plan.

For Me, For You, For Later: First Steps to Spending, Sharing, and Saving—Educator Guide
A guide with resources, activities, and tips for educators on bringing financial literacy into the classroom.

For Me, For You, For Later: Family Spending, Sharing, and Saving
A guide with resources, activities, and tips on how and why to start children’s financial education early and how to talk to children during tough financial times.

How to Talk to Kids During Tough Financial Times
An article about how and why to talk about money as a family even when financial times are tough.

You’re Doing Great! Financial Education for Families
An article about how to stay strong and connected as a family during tough financial times.

For Me, For You, For Later
An interactive guide for educators to teach financial education concepts and skills to young children.

Finances for Kids Children’s Activity Book
Created to help you and your child share experiences in developing the financial basics that will impact her now and in the future.

Finances for Kids Children’s Activity Book en Español
Creado para ayudarles a usted y sus niños a compartir sus experiencias al desarrollar destrezas financieras básicas.

Caregiver Guide
Why start early when it comes to talking to children about money? Starting early helps build the foundation for your child to become a financially responsible adult.

Caregiver Guide en Español
¿Por qué hablar desde temprano con los niños sobre el dinero? Empezar a una edad temprana les ayuda a establecer la base para que sean adultos responsables con el dinero en el futuro.

Educator Guide
Developing financial skills is an important part of every child’s education and, chances are, children in your program are already building these skills.

Educator Guide en Español
Desarrollar destrezas financieras es una parte importante de la educación de cada niño y, seguramente, los niños en su programa ya están practicando estas destrezas.

Helping Others
Watch Elmo learn about different ways to help others in his community.

Making Choices
Learn the importance of talking about choices with children and how it relates to financial decision-making down the road.

Three Jars
A printable activity to help kids learn about spending, sharing, and saving.
Ready for school and beyond

Abby’s Letter Garden
Prepare children for school success by exposing them to uppercase letters.

The Wiggle-Jiggle Game
A video about a getting-to-know-you game that helps kids appreciate similarities and differences.

Building and Rebuilding Language Skills—and Community!
An article about building children’s language skills by enriching your interactions.

Playing With Colors
An interactive game to build the basic skill of color recognition.

Playing With Numbers
An interactive game to build the basic skill of number recognition.

Back to School: New Beginnings
A tip sheet about starting a new school year while entering yet another “new normal.”

I Know My Letters
A printable alphabet coloring page.

I Know My Numbers
A printable coloring page with the numbers 1 to 10.

Getting Ready for Kindergarten: Building Social-Emotional Skills
An article to help families build the social and emotional skills needed for kindergarten after a long period of unexpected changes.

Caring, Connecting, and Communicating
A video about home-school communication.

Sesame Street’s Ready for School Challenge: Preschool
Starting preschool can be exciting…and sometimes scary! But Elmo and his friends are here to help.

Sesame Street’s Ready for School Challenge: Kindergarten
Starting kindergarten can be exciting…and sometimes scary! But Elmo and his friends are here to help.

Sesame Street’s Ready for School Challenge: First Grade
Starting first grade can be exciting…and sometimes scary! But Elmo and his friends are here to help.

A Day in the Life of a Preschooler
Whether it’s before beginning preschool or at the start of the year, a peek into another child’s day, in a similar setting, can ease children’s anxieties.

A Day in the Life of a Kindergartner
Whether it’s before beginning kindergarten or at the start of the year, a peek into another child’s day, in a similar setting, can ease children’s anxieties.

Grover’s Story Circle
Help Grover and friends create a brand-new story and share it aloud.

Parent-Teacher Communication Tips
A tip sheet for parents on building a strong home-school connection.

Observe With Me
Watch Abby and Rudy add to their wonder journal, then help children create their own.

Let’s Make Art
Let Elmo and Louie’s shape art inspire your own.

Meet Maggie Cadabby
Help children build problem-solving skills to turn an “Oops” into an “Aha!”

This Is How I Grow
Elmo and his friends sing about all of the ways that they learn and grow, like counting, building, stretching, moving, laughing, singing, dancing, and cooking!

Back to School: New Beginnings
A tip sheet about starting a new school year while entering yet another “new normal.”

Elmo’s Brain Games
You can help children build important skills in everyday moments.

Parent-Teacher Moments
Watch important everyday, informal interactions between parents and teachers.

Reading at Home and School
A video showing how children can bring their learning home.

Get Moving!
Ways to get kids moving.

Day-to-Day Connections
Watch a teacher’s interactions with parents.

School Routines, Home Routines
Having the same routines in different settings enriches learning.

Words Are Everywhere
Kids become word explorers with an interactive game.

Las palabras están en todas partes
Los niños se convierten en exploradores de palabras con un juego interactivo.

Reading Adventures
Sharing stories now lays the foundation for a lifetime of reading.

Aventuras de lectura
Leerles cuentos a los niños a temprana edad sienta las bases para crear el hábito de la lectura durante toda una vida.

World of Words
Opportunities for learning words are all around. Learn strategies to grow children’s vocabulary through everyday routines.

Word Tree
Cut out these words to put on your word tree. Read them aloud with your child and use them in your daily conversations.

Word Tree en Español
Recorte estas palabras para colocarlas en su árbol de palabras. Léalas en voz alta con su niño y úsenlas en sus conversaciones diarias.

Family Guide
Sesame Workshop, in partnership with PNC Grow Up Great®, created this guide, which offers strategies for using everyday moments to grow your child’s vocabulary while building on his natural curiosity.

Family Guide en Español
Sesame Workshop, en colaboración con PNC Crezca con Éxito, creó esta guía con estrategias que usan cualquier momento del día para desarrollar el vocabulario de su niño mientras fomenta su curiosidad natural.

Educator Guide
This unique guide, created by Sesame Workshop in partnership with PNC Grow Up Great®, offers tips and activities for developing science, the arts, and math vocabulary by adding to what you are already doing.

Educator Guide en Español
Esta guía original, creada por Sesame Workshop en colaboración con PNC Crezca con Éxito, ofrece consejos y actividades para desarrollar el vocabulario de las ciencias, artes y matemáticas aportando más a lo que usted ya hace.

Word Book
Look for words during your everyday moments, and let one word lead you to another!

Word Book en Español
Busquen palabras durante los momentos diarios y ¡dejen que una palabra los lleve a otra!

Adventure Card
These word cards — each focusing on a different place — are designed for you and your child to use in everyday settings and situations, building on your child’s natural curiosity.

Adventure Card en Español
Estas tarjetas de palabras, cada una enfocada en un lugar diferente, están diseñadas para que las utilice con su niño en entornos y situaciones cotidianas y desarrolle la curiosidad natural de su niño.

Activity Cards
These cards were designed to build on your child’s natural curiosity to grow vocabulary. You can use them anytime, anywhere!

Word Song
Spark conversation! Pictures, words, and definitions will help you talk together about science, the arts, and math.

Follow Your Curiosity
Abby, Elmo and Buzz ask questions to learn new words.

Learn Math Words
Abby and Elmo find math words all around them.

Let’s Read a Book
Children and grown-ups have fun reading books together.

Our Word Book
Abby and Elmo make a book for Buzz with all the new words they’ve learned together.

Math On-the-Go Cards
Make math an adventure with these on-the-go cards.

Pattern Play
Teach kids to create patterns with the help of Bert and Ernie.

Teachers Guide
Math Is Everywhere helps you discover exciting new ways to build on children’s fascination with numbers, counting, patterns, shapes, and much more.

Teachers Guide en Español
A través deMatemáticas en todos ladosencontrará nuevas maneras de desarrollar la fascinación de los niños por los números, el contar, las secuencias, las formas y ¡muchas cosas más!

Counting Woodchucks
How much wood a woodchuck can chuck? The Count wants to find out, too!

Math is Everywhere

Wiggle Hop

Math is Everywhere in Spanish

Science: Space Facilitator Guide
As you look up at the sky together, you can help children, ages 4-8, to become aware and develop friendships with children around the world.

Science: Space Facilitator Guide en Español
Mientras observan juntos el cielo, usted puede ayudar a los niños, en edades de 4 a 8 años, a saber más acerca de los niños alrededor del mundo.

Science: Space Facilitator Guide in Mandarin

Getting Ready for School Parent Booklet
Children begin learning from the day they are born. As your child’s first and best teacher, you provide her first “classroom,” in your home, your car, your grocery store, and — most importantly — your lap.

Getting Ready for School Parent Booklet en Español
Los niños empiezan a aprender desde el día en que nacen. Como su primer y mejor profesor, usted crea la primera ‘sala de clase’ en la casa, en el carro, en la tienda y — más importante — sentado junto a usted.

Children’s Booklet
Explore fun activities for you and your child, and tips for getting ready for school.

Word on the Street Bookmarks
Help your loved one cut out these bookmarks to keep track of the pages they read!

Word on the Street Certificate
Download this certificate to celebrate a learning milestone.

Coloring Pages
Print these color pages to celebrate getting ready for school.

Parent Guide
To help you encourage your child’s joy of discovery, Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit educational organization behind Sesame Street, has created this “Learning Is Everywhere” magazine.

Activity Cards
Use these cards to play an array of fun word-inspired games with the child in your life.

Caregivers Guide
Get ready to dive deep into language with these tips and activities.

Happy Healthy Ready For School