A woman in a children's library reading to Elmo and a child.

Displacement and Resettlement

Families resettling after conflict or crisis cope with big changes and challenges. They can use our resources for support.

Displacement and Resettlement Subtopics

These resources are available in multiple languages.

An adult holds a child in a comforting embrace.

Resources in Ukrainian

Матеріали українською.

Parents reading to Elmo and their two kids in a library.

Resources in Pashto

Resettling after conflict or crisis can be a long, challenging process. Families can use our resources in Pashto for support.

An adult holds a baby and poses with two other children and Elmo.

Resources in Dari

Resettling after conflict or crisis can be a long, challenging process. Families can use our resources in Dari for support.

Grover reading with a child.

Resources in Arabic

After a traumatic event, children can be overwhelmed with big feelings. your care to help them process can make a huge difference. See our resources in Arabic on Ahlansimsim.org for support.

Elmo and Wes Help a Displaced Family Resettle

Families can find strength in their own stories and begin a hopeful new chapter.

Buddy the Monster menu screen in Breathe, Think, Do app.
Featured App
Breathe, Think, Do
In this app, help a monster friend with big feelings learn to calm down and solve everyday challenges.
Rosita at a picnic with a family.

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