Corporate and Institutional Giving
Large or small, public or private, the organizations we team up with are filled with people who share our commitment to the world’s children and help us to make a powerful difference in their lives.
U.S. Impact
Our philanthropically funded initiatives help millions of children and achieve measurable impact across the US.
International Impact
Sesame Workshop is dedicated to growing our impact across the globe, wherever it’s needed most.
Our work wouldn’t be possible without the support of our partners and supporters at every level. Here are just a few.

The Lego Foundation
In December 2018, the LEGO Foundation awarded a landmark $100 million to Sesame Workshop to bring the power of learning through play to children affected by the Rohingya and Syrian refugee crises. The grant will benefit some of the world’s most vulnerable children and call attention to the critical importance of learning through play to set them on a path of healthy growth and development.

Vincent Mai
Vincent Mai is the Chairman of the Sesame Workshop Global Advisory Group and former Chairman of the Sesame Workshop Board of Trustees. The Mai Family Foundation is a critical partner of Takalani Sesame in South Africa and has been integral to the success of Takalani’s community engagement efforts and the ongoing sustainability of our work in South Africa.

PNC Grow Up Great®
PNC Grow Up Great® helps prepare children from birth to age five for success in school and life. A valued Sesame partner for 15 years and counting, PNC supports learning-rich Sesame Street resources including Words Are Here, There, and Everywhere, and Growing Together.

Through a campaign called “The Neighborhood,” DoorDash is contributing major support for Sesame Workshop’s global initiatives that help children grow smarter, stronger, and kinder. Putting community front and center.

With generous support from AT&T for Caring for Each Other: Health Emergencies, we created resources to help children identify challenges and express themselves during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. These resources provide simple strategies for caregivers.

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