How to Stay Healthy
Simple routines like washing hands, covering up against mosquitos, and booking doctor appointments can help keep kids happy and healthy.
Washing hands is a healthy habit and an important way to take care of ourselves and others. These resources can help you teach children how to be super-scrubbers—and use those suds most effectively!

How to Wash Your Hands
Kids learn the right way to wash their hands to prevent spreading germs.

H Is for Handwashing
Learn how kids all across the world keep their hands clean.

Handwashing: Step by Step
Turn your kid into a handwashing pro with this step-by-step guide.

Wash Your Hands!
Sing a song about when to wash.
Enjoying warm days outdoors also means dealing with mosquitoes, and it can be a challenge to put bug repellant on squirmy little ones. Here are simple tips and strategies to help everyone stay comfortable during mosquito season!

Three Steps for Bug Repellent
Watch this video and let the Count show you tips from Grover, Rosita, and Ernie on using bug repellent.

Cover Up
Grover gets a little help from a friend picking out clothes to protect himself from mosquitoes in the woods.

Using Bug Spray
Rosita’s mommy helps her put bug spray on for mosquito prevention.

Dress Up Grover
Print out this look-and-find activity.

Mosquitoes Away Checklist
Keep mosquitos away from your home.

Preparing for Mosquitoes
Protect yourself, be comfortable, and enjoy the outdoors!

Mosquito Bites
Help ease the sting and itchiness of bites.
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La cita para jugar al chequeo médico de Elmo y Abby
Los juegos de pretender pueden ayudar a los niños a “ensayar” situaciones que puedan asustarles.

Sanos empieza con S
Los chequeos médicos son una oportunidad para conversar acerca de cómo los niños crecen y se desarrollan lo más sanos posible.

Hitos de desarrollo
Junto con su equipo de atención en salud, pueden asegurarse de que su niño pequeño esté en buen camino para crecer y prosperar.
Find resources, activities, and videos to help you and your family stay well.
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My Whole Healthy Life: Meet Reignen
A video about the different ways a Native American child and his family stay healthy.

My Whole Healthy Life: Meet Wa.Sta.Tse
A video about the different ways a Native American child and her family stay healthy.

Elmo and Abby’s Check-up Play Date
Pretend play can help children “rehearse” situations that may frighten them.

S Is for Staying Healthy
Well visits are an opportunity to talk about how to help children grow and develop as healthily as possible.

Chef Lily’s Tip: Roasting a Rainbow
A video about eating colorful roasted vegetables.

Developmental Milestones
Together with your health care team, you can make sure your little one is on track for growing and thriving.

Whole-Child Wellness
A strong, healthy body is just one part of being healthy.

Approaching Health Equity: For Providers
Every child and family deserves to thrive and be as healthy as they can be.

Healthy and Strong, All Day Long
Everyday routines are building blocks for learning healthy habits and reaching developmental milestones.
See more resources for parents, caregivers, and providers.

Doctor Appointments
Visiting the doctor is an important part of staying healthy. Help children prepare by showing them what they might expect.

Talking About Covid-19
Answer your child’s questions and concerns about COVID-19.

Physical Activity
Children love to move—anywhere, anytime! Being active together helps channel kids’ natural energy and keeps them healthy and strong.