Whether children are directly or indirectly exposed to violent events, there are ways to help them feel safer and more secure.
Community Violence
Alan explains to Rosita what community violence is. It’s hard to know how to help young children understand and cope with the effects of violence in their own community, but there are ways to help them feel safer.
Explore these resources for children and families directly affected by the childhood trauma of living with neighborhood violence.

1, 2, 3, Count on Me
A storybook about the power of community.

I Can Stay Safe
It’s important for children to know several people they can turn to when something goes wrong.

Using These Resources: Violence
Article about the Sesame Street Community & Gun Violence initiative.

We’re Not Alone
A music video on the power of community connections.

Trauma and the Body
An article on the effects of violence on children.

About Community & Gun Violence
An article with facts about community and gun violence.

Staying Safer in Unsafe Environments
An article on helping children know and identify gun-related dangers—and stay as safe as possible.
Children often learn of violent events through the media. When children are troubled by such news, these resources can help.
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I Don’t Want to Live on the Moon
A song about the power of human connections.

Community Conversation: Community Violence
Many communities are unfortunately impacted by community violence, but there are people and organizations striving to help. You can, too!

We’re Not Alone
A music video on the power of community connections.

Trauma and the Body
An article on the effects of violence on children.

1, 2, 3, Color Me
Sitting quietly and coloring together is a stress-reliever for adults and children alike.

I Can Stay Safe
It’s important for children to know several people they can turn to when something goes wrong.

Using These Resources: Violence
Article about the Sesame Street Community & Gun Violence initiative.

Violence Resources for Providers
A resource page for providers.

Providers Are Impacted Too!
An article on the personal impact for providers working with young children affected by community and gun violence.
Discover more resources for parents, caregivers, and providers.

Learning Through Routines
Ordinary moments such as getting dressed, preparing meals, cleaning up, or bedtime offer opportunities to build math, language, and other skills that prepare kids for school.

School Readiness
Simple ways to lay the foundation for learning.

Children’s Feelings
When you help children to understand and express their emotions, you help them grow and thrive.