Just for Teachers: The Magic of Circle Time
Learning is all about relationships!
There is something timeless and elemental about humans gathering in circles (think campfires and folk dances)! In circles, people talk, listen, tell stories, solve problems, take turns, celebrate, support one another, learn…and much more.
When it comes to school readiness, classroom circle time is a powerful way to anchor children in a sense of community and belonging, and it’s an equally great opportunity for subject-area learning. Circle time is a place and time in which children learn to listen, empathize, understand others’ perspectives, take turns, and share of themselves—all key to thriving in school and in life. When you gather children in a circle, you’re creating a space in which everyone can be seen and heard, and everyone is on an equal level.
Of course, there are many other shared spaces and places in a school or childcare setting where children learn to build social-emotional skills and healthy relationships with peers—with children of different ages, and with adults. These relationships happen one on one, in dyads, in small groups, and large groups, and within formal and informal settings. And it’s not just social-emotional learning that happens in relationships, of course, it’s academic learning.
No one is born in a silo or exists in a vacuum. Every interaction children have with others leads to brain growth—there’s always a back and forth that’s taking place in learning! Your circle time is full of these growth opportunities.
Special Thanks
- Melissa Butler, author and educator
- Mary Kay Mahar, Senior Director, Early Learning and Prevention Systems, Public Health Management Corporation.
- David Willis Senior Fellow CSSP (Center for the Study of Social Policy)
- Zoraima Rosario-Rolón, Program Coordinator of C.A.R.E, Coaching and Responsive Engagement Program
- Dana Winters, Executive Director of Fred Rogers Institute

Learning Party Lyrics
Every day can be a celebration of learning. Keep the music going!

Learn & Grow: Inside, Outside, on the Go
Learning can happen anytime, anywhere—inside, outside, or on the go!

Inside, Outside With Bert & Ernie
Children can play—and learn!—along with Bert and Ernie as they observe and notice, gather and collect, sort and match, and use clues that build reasoning skills.

My Classroom Circle
Children can create their own unique circle canvas to share their favorite things with their classroom community... and see what they may have in common.

Learning Party
When children feel welcome and included, school can feel like a learning party that they’re invited to each and every day!

Sesame Street Back to School Music Playlist
This curated playlist is perfect for both little learners and educators alike! A mix of energetic hits and mellow tunes sets the mood for getting into the learning groove.