Caring Communities Course Library
Resources for a strong foundation.
Caring Communities was created to provide Communities in Schools educators with resources to promote resilience, and to provide tools to help children communicate their needs and wants.
Ready to share these resources with everyone in your neighborhood? Below are curated sets of resources to use with families that offer ideas about starting conversations shaped by curiosity; strategies to help children tackle problems; and activities that promote engagement and persistence.
Unit 1: Special, Strong, and Growing
The Big Idea: Adults that support students through routines can model protective factors of resilience.

Abby’s Amazing Friends
Print out the maze and help kids draw a path from Abby to the playground tracing all the people that care for her along the way.

I Can Be Patient
Waiting can be hard to do. Listen to this song on the power of patience.

Twiddlebugs Take Turns
The Twiddlebug brother and sister figure out a way to play together by taking turns.

Looking for Special
A storybook featuring Lily about the importance of confidence as a key skill in building resilience.

A Tree of Growth and Learning
Giving new things a try helps children learn, grow, and take on challenges!

Give Yourself a Hug
Hugs help. Hugs heal. Safe, nurturing touch is key to kids’ healthy development, but they don’t always need another person to help them feel the benefits of hugs!

Bounce Back
A song about resilience.
Unit 2: The Power of Persistence
The Big Idea: Confidence and self-esteem help kids build strength to cope with challenges.

Elmo Doesn’t Give Up!
Elmo learns that just because you can’t do something now, doesn’t mean you won’t be able to. It just means you can’t do it…yet.

Bounce Back
A song about resilience.

Breathe, Buddy, Breathe!
Build your child’s self control with this interactive activity.

Sharing Cookies
When Alan runs out of cookies, Elmo shares his with Cookie Monster.

Furry Fuzzy Hugs
In the face of anxiety or chaos, hugs offer a sense of security and safety.

My Super Stars
Make this mobile to remind little ones of the people who care for them.

Sibling Rivalry
If siblings are having trouble sharing and getting along with each other, try the strategies in this article.

Bye Bye for Now Song
Saying goodbye can be hard to do. Explore some strategies to make it easier.
Unit 3: Feelings Big and Small
The Big Idea: When students can name what they’re feeling, we can help them figure out what is needed–and communicate to others!

Grouchy Party
Help children to understand the feelings of others through this interactive storybook.

The World Sings to You
A song about listening.

Feeling Faces
Understanding and expressing feelings is another important coping skill for children and adults.

An Act-Along Story
Act out Elmo’s story with kids to build emotional vocabulary.

Taking Care of Yourself
A few ideas to help grown-ups take care of themselves during a divorce, too.

Talking About Your Feelings
Watch this video to assure children that their big feelings are normal.

Exploring Big Feelings
Show children that it’s normal to have many feelings at once.

Hugging It Out
Discover the power of hugs with Rosita and Elmo.
Unit 4: My Safe Place
The Big Idea: There are tools we can use to stay in control when things seem overwhelming.

Let’s Play: A Children’s Activity Book
Movement games, drawing activities and, a storybook for children in crisis.

Comfy-Cozy Nest
Creating safe places in our minds can be a key coping strategy, and Big Bird is here to help.

Feeling Safe
In order for healing to begin, it’s critical that kids feel protected and safe.

The “I Can” Flower
Traumatic experiences can hurt a child’s confidence and self-esteem, but there are ways to begin strengthening it again.

Care, Cope, Connect
Your family can find strength in each other, even through scariest times.

It’s Not Easy Being Green
A song about being ourselves.

H Is for Hope
For kids who have experienced trauma, hope can lead to healing.