Give Yourself a Hug
Hugs help. Hugs heal. Safe, nurturing touch is key to kids’ healthy development, but they don’t always need another person to help them feel the benefits of hugs!
Pro tip: This activity can benefit both kids and adults, individually or together, one-on-one or in groups. Depending on who you’re working with at a given time, adapt or omit activities as you see fit—you know your kids and families best!
Hugs are a way to show love and support for people we care about, especially in tough times. In this same way, hugging yourself is a way to help nurture your sense of self-care.
- Watch the video together, hug yourself (wrap your arms around your own body), and invite children to do the same.
- Invite kids to try patting themselves on the back, closing their eyes, rocking back and forth, rocking side to side, or squeezing tightly or gently. Do they have a favorite way to hug themselves?
- Remind kids that when they’re feeling anxious, sad, angry, or scared—or any of those feelings at the same time—a hug can feel really good.