A father bends down to show his dogtags to Sesame Street’s Rosita and his family.


When parents transition out of military service, so do kids. Work together as a team and offer support in any way you can.

Expect Some Changes When A Veteran Comes Home

Changes can be a real challenge—and days may see-saw between easy and quite bumpy. With open communication and a little creativity, you can make children the heroes of this exciting new adventure.

Elmo in a superhero cape.
Featured Video
It’s an Adventure

A good way to deal with changes is to look at them as the beginning of new adventures.

Military Families
Ages 1–6
All Veterans Resources

Big Bird with a Military family
More to Support Military Families
Explore military parenting advice and tips to find information on self-expression, positive parenting, and answers to common concerns of military families.
Rosita at a picnic with a family.

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