Losing a home brings enormous challenges, but families are strong and, with the right support, can build a better future.
Explaining the Challenges of Family Homelessness
Every family can build a sense of hope, learn ways to cope, and remember that no one is alone.
How to talk to kids who are experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity—and those who are not.

Talk About It: For Children Experiencing Homelessness
Honest, age-appropriate ways to respond to children’s difficult questions.

Talk About It: For Children Not Experiencing Homelessness
We all may be surprised by how many shelter-insecure people (both children and adults) are in our communities. Share age-appropriate, honest answers about homelessness for children who have not experienced it.
Families in transition or facing housing insecurity face unique challenges within the healthcare system. You can help by taking a holistic and creative approach to providing quality, compassionate care.

Serving Homeless Families in Health Care Systems
Families in transition face unique challenges within the healthcare system. You can help by taking a holistic and creative approach to providing quality, compassionate care.

Serving Homeless Families in Health Care Systems Part 2
Families in transition face unique challenges within the healthcare system. You can help by taking a holistic and creative approach to providing quality, compassionate care.

Ideas Into Action: Circles of Care
As a healthcare provider, you’re a key member of children’s (and families’) circle of care.

Ideas Into Action: Waiting for Visits
Families experiencing homelessness often spend a lot of time in the waiting rooms of health care facilities, and parents are often overwhelmed by navigating the system that provides necessary services.
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Ideas Into Action: Grown-Ups Come Back
A bag of ribbons can go a long way!

Ideas Into Action: Sharing Comfort Strategies with Children
You can show children how others use strategies for self-soothing.

Provider Workshop: Healthy Goodbyes Resources part 2
In the face of these challenges, you can model healthy goodbyes.

Provider Workshop: Healthy Goodbyes
In the face of these challenges, you can model healthy goodbyes.

Promoting Healing Through Play in Shelters part 2
It’s not just the things you put into an environment that are important—a play space is made even more effective when adults interact with children in positive ways.

Talk About It: For Children Experiencing Homelessness
Honest, age-appropriate ways to respond to children’s difficult questions.

Hooray for Hands
Hands remind us of the power of helping, sharing, and caring.

Dot to Dot
Meet Lily, a sweet, hopeful seven-year-old Muppet in housing transition.

In the Classroom
School can provide great stability in the lives of children and families without permanent homes.
Discover more resources for parents, caregivers, and providers.

Calming Strategies
Little ones need lots of help from caring adults to grow and thrive. We offer calming strategies on comforting and providing nurturing touch, all of which are required for healthy brain development!

Traumatic Experiences
Caring grown-ups can help lessen the effects of trauma and show children they’re not alone.

Whether children are directly or indirectly exposed to violent events, there are ways to help them feel safer and more secure.