Separation or divorce means lots of changes, but love, comfort, and care can help children adjust and cope with family trauma.
Abby Shares Her Experience with Her Parents’ Divorce
Separation and divorce mean difficult transitions, but they can also be opportunities to learn that everything is always changing, in ways big and small.
Change can be hard. With love and support from the adults in their lives, children can emerge feeling stronger.

Answering Tough Questions
Prepare for the tough questions that children may ask about divorce.

Adjusting to Two Homes
Use this video to show children that many other kids have two homes.

Transitioning Between Parents
Read this storybook to help your child come up with a simple routine on days they are going between homes.

Finding Support in Friendships
Help children remember their “circle of care” in times of sadness.

Explaining Visitation Schedules
Kids find comfort in concrete, visual reminders that let them know what to expect.
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Cuando los niños extrañan al otro padre
Dibujar ayuda a los niños a sentirse cerca del padre ausente.

Tú no tienes la culpa
El juego de simulación de Karli y Elmo le ayuda a Karli a hablar de sus grandes sentimientos.

Contestar más preguntas
Plan para preguntas difíciles de los niños sobre el divorcio.
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A Monster-Fairy Problem
A video about the challenges and joys of a blended Muppet family.

Co-parenting Conversations
Simple conversation starters to develop your parenting partnership.

Adjusting to Two Homes
Use this video to show children that many other kids have two homes.

Dealing With Divorce
An overview of strategies adults can use to help kids understand divorce and adjust to the changes it brings.

Tell Me About It
Asking children questions and listening to their answers lets you know what’s on their minds.

Taking Care of Yourself
A few ideas to help grown-ups take care of themselves during a divorce, too.

Adjusting to Blended Families
These pointers can help you guide a child through a new family dynamic.

Managing Changes
Use these tips to help a child dealing with divorce to feel secure in daily routines.

Answering Even More Questions
Plan for difficult questions that children may ask as they process a divorce.

Discover more resources for parents—both custodial and non-custodial—as well as caregivers and providers.

Calming Strategies
Little ones need lots of help from caring adults to grow and thrive. We offer calming strategies on comforting and providing nurturing touch, all of which are required for healthy brain development!

Building Resilience in Children and Families
Give children tools and coping skills to overcome both little and big challenges to help them learn and grow.

Children’s Feelings
When you help children to understand and express their emotions, you help them grow and thrive.