
Expressing Feelings

Watch Abby's story of her parents' divorce and help children tell their own story.

  1. Watch Abby’s story together, then help children make connections to their own lives. You might ask: “Is Abby’s story like yours?”; “How is it the same? How is it is different?”; “Do you feel the way Abby feels? How do you feel?” If children’s experiences are very different from Abby’s or other friends’, they might ask why their story is so different. Try responding with explanations such as:
  • “There many different types of families.”
  • “Lots of families are just like ours. There are other children who have parents who are divorced. Some families have two parents and some families have one.”
  • “Your story may be different from Abby’s, but you both have parents who love you very much.”
  • “Your cousin Maria’s parents are divorced just like your parents. She goes back and forth between two houses, just like you do.”
  1. Say, “Abby has told us her story about her mom and dad’s divorce through her drawing. Now it’s your turn to tell your story about what’s happening in your family.” Invite kids to draw their stories.
  2. As children draw, talk about what’s in their drawings. You might encourage them to write captions on their pictures (younger children can dictate as you write). For younger children, one drawing might be enough; older children might create a short book by stapling drawings together.