Grover and a family.

Crisis and Conflict 

Families experiencing conflict or crisis face big changes and challenges. These resources offer comfort and support.

After a traumatic event, children can be overwhelmed with big feelings. Your support and care in helping them cope with trauma and big changes can make a huge difference.  

These resources provide guidance to help you and your family as you navigate your new situation and prepare to take your next steps. They include play-based and resilience-focused activities to do with children at home, informational articles on emotional support for caregivers and videos for families coping with crisis and conflict. 

A family playing a game together.
Featured Guide
For Providers: Supporting Families During Crisis

Families facing crisis and conflict will need tremendous support. Your caring presence, offering of simple strategies and helpful resources can make a real difference.

Big Bird sitting with his bear Radar.
As you explore these resources, know that safety, security, and comfort are your priorities. It’s okay to focus on just making sure you and your children feel safe and calm. In those moments, a deep breath may be all you need (or, sometimes, all you can do). If you still feel stressed, it’s okay to take your time and come back when you’re ready.
Chamki playing on a tablet with children.

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