Ribbons of Hope
Getting through the toughest times helps us feel stronger, and fills us with gratitude.
- Lily had her ribbon bracelets that helped her feel better. Do you have a special thing that comforts you? (If possible, give children a ribbon bracelet or another comfort item.)
- Lily felt happy that she and her family finally had a new apartment. What other feelings do you think she was having? (She was proud for having made it through that tough time; she was grateful to have Elmo as a friend; she felt love for her mom as she remembered the bracelets.)
- Why did Lily want to give Elmo a ribbon bracelet?

Hooray for Hands
Hands remind us of the power of helping, sharing, and caring.

Ideas Into Action: Sharing Comfort Strategies with Children
You can show children how others use strategies for self-soothing.

Provider Workshop: Healthy Goodbyes
In the face of these challenges, you can model healthy goodbyes.

Promoting Healing Through Play in Shelters part 2
It’s not just the things you put into an environment that are important—a play space is made even more effective when adults interact with children in positive ways.

Talk About It: For Children Experiencing Homelessness
Honest, age-appropriate ways to respond to children’s difficult questions.

Ideas Into Action: Grown-Ups Come Back
A bag of ribbons can go a long way!

Provider Workshop: Healthy Goodbyes Resources part 2
In the face of these challenges, you can model healthy goodbyes.