What We Share
A printable page for side-by-side coloring and talking about stepsiblings.
Use this page to start a conversation about relationships with new family members. You might say, “Abby and Rudy have different moms and dads. Now Abby’s mom and Rudy’s dad have created a new family together, and Rudy and Abby are stepsiblings.” Ask, “What do you and [new family member] like to do together?”
As children settle into new family structures, they can benefit from a few moments with each parent. Coloring can be a great way to share a few quiet moments together!

Barbershop Bonding
A video about the community bonds of the Sesame Street barbershop.

Take Your Child to Work Day
A video about “take your child to work” day, and the bonding, learning and inspiration that can take place there.

The Wiggle-Jiggle Game
A video about a getting-to-know-you game that helps kids appreciate similarities and differences.

Grandparents Are Grand!
There’s a lot that grandparents can do to bond with grandchildren (even at a distance) and to help them build the social skills they’ll need in school—and in life!

Abuela Makes a Quilt
A storybook about the bonding that can happen through art.

5 Things I Want Other Black Dads to Know
An article about Black fathers.

Supporting Fathers
This webinar to helps providers better understand, celebrate, and support fathers.