Abuela Makes a Quilt
A storybook about the bonding that can happen through art.
Together, read this story about Rosita and her Abuela, a quilter who sews a special quilt full of pictures that tell family stories. Rosita and Abuela admire the quilt, remember the stories, and create more memories.
Let children know that art can make important moments last longer and that it can help us feel close with people we love. Find a comfy spot to read together. After reading, share your own stories. Consider:
- Is there a piece of art that means a lot to you?
- Do you have a scrapbook or pictures of family memories?
- Is there a song, poem, or book that makes you really happy?
Then invite children to create a piece of art that tells an important family story.

Barbershop Bonding
A video about the community bonds of the Sesame Street barbershop.

Take Your Child to Work Day
A video about “take your child to work” day, and the bonding, learning and inspiration that can take place there.

The Wiggle-Jiggle Game
A video about a getting-to-know-you game that helps kids appreciate similarities and differences.

Grandparents Are Grand!
There’s a lot that grandparents can do to bond with grandchildren (even at a distance) and to help them build the social skills they’ll need in school—and in life!

5 Things I Want Other Black Dads to Know
An article about Black fathers.

Supporting Fathers
This webinar to helps providers better understand, celebrate, and support fathers.