A Blended-Family Celebration
Meet Sesame Street’s new Monster-Fairy Family—and celebrate the new possibilities that a blended family can bring.
Share this alphabet book with children, then create your own family’s version with 27 pieces of paper. Invite children to draw a picture of the family on the cover, give it a title, and write a letter on each page. Be sure to include everyone’s names (such as A is for Abby).
If more than one child (or adult) is working on it, divide up the pages however you like, with everyone taking a few. You can use some of the ideas from the book, or any others you like. Try these:
- A is for amazing.
- B is for blended family.
- C is for changes.
- D is for Daddy.
- E is for every day and every night.
- F is for family.
- G is for growing together.
- H is for high-five!
- I is for “I love you.”
- J is for joy.
- K is for kind.
- L is for listening—and learning.
- M is for mom.
- N is for new family traditions
- O is for “oh wow!”
- P is for parents.
- Q is for quiet time together.
- R is for really _____.
- S is for stepbrother and stepsister.
- T is for two homes—and two-hug day! (on days when children go back and forth between her parents, they might get a big “goodbye” hug and a big “hello” hug)
- U is for us!
- V is for very good friends.
- W is for wow.
- X is for excellent.
- Y is for you (I love you!).
- Z is for zizzle zazzle zip zam zoom! (What’s your special kind of magic?)
Staple the pages together in order and share the book with the rest of the family. Leave it out for anyone to read anytime!

Abuela Makes a Quilt
A storybook about the bonding that can happen through art.

Barbershop Bonding
A video about the community bonds of the Sesame Street barbershop.

Take Your Child to Work Day
A video about “take your child to work” day, and the bonding, learning and inspiration that can take place there.

The Wiggle-Jiggle Game
A video about a getting-to-know-you game that helps kids appreciate similarities and differences.

5 Things I Want Other Black Dads to Know
An article about Black fathers.

Grandparents Are Grand!
There’s a lot that grandparents can do to bond with grandchildren (even at a distance) and to help them build the social skills they’ll need in school—and in life!

Supporting Fathers
This webinar to helps providers better understand, celebrate, and support fathers.