Playing Is Learning
Kids learn so much as they play.
From the five choices on the main screen, select the time or situation that fits the moment. (Are you stuck indoors on a rainy day? Waiting at the doctor’s office? Enjoying yourselves in a park?) Check out the play suggestion that appears. You can tap “why it matters” to find out its learning benefits. Give it a try…or tap “more games” for a new idea.
“First/Then” Boards: Managing Daily Routines
A printable tool to help children know what to expect in their daily routines and activities.
Planning for Play in Daily Routines
A printable page to plan moments of playfulness during daily routines.
Provider-Parent Communications Log
A printable page to help parents and caregivers communicate about a child’s day.
Communicating with Parents and Caregivers Around Routines
An article offering strategies for communication with parents/caregivers.
Lesson Planning Practice
A tool to plan opportunities for learning connected to monthly and weekly themes.
Shaping an Engaging Learning Environment
Your space is full of opportunities for children to learn and grow!
Planning Our Days: Creating Schedules for Children
Planning ahead can help you be intentional about the learning of the children in your care!