
Cookie Monster at Circle Time

A storybook about circle time, classroom community, caring friends, and... COOKIES!

Circle time is such a special part of the classroom experience! It’s a time when everyone is on an equal level and has the space to be seen and heard. 

As you share this story with children, you can consider how Mr. Antonio uses circle time to: 

  • build letter-recognition skills  
  • engage the friends in talking about the special part they play in the classroom community and beyond 
  • express how much he cares about his class 
  • give each friend a chance to take a turn sharing and listening 
  • …and come together as a community to celebrate Cookie Monster! 

After reading, you can print and use this printable to help children practice writing the letter C and explore the important words that start with the letter. You might ask: 

  • Can you tell me about a time when you collaborated with someone?  
  • What’s a good way to show a friend that you care, like the class did for Cookie Monster?  

You might invite children to illustrate each word on different sheets of paper, and then staple the pages together to make their own “C” book.