
A Day in the Life of a Preschooler

Whether it’s before beginning preschool or at the start of the year, a peek into another child’s day, in a similar setting, can ease children’s anxieties.

Together with children, watch Sophie learn, play, and help in her preschool classroom and at home. You can pause and talk about what you see, or ask these things later:

  • How did Sophie’s mom help her get ready? How is Sophie’s morning routine the same as yours? How is it different?
  • Sophie says that when she first started preschool, she used to cry when her mom dropped her off, but now she doesn’t. Why do you think Sophie has an easier time now? What does she do when she misses her mom during the day?
  • At free play, Sophie can choose the block area, the water table, or looking at insects with magnifying glasses. Which would you choose?
  • Sophie practices throwing a ball and using a hula hoop. What new games might you like to play in school?
  • Sophie’s favorite dinner to have with her mom is chicken and rice. What’s yours?