
10 Tips for Healthy Teeth

Try these strategies for healthy smiles.

Ten Tips for a Healthy, Happy Smile

  • Brush at least twice a day—after breakfast and before bed.
  • Take turns! Preschoolers are still developing the muscles and skills to brush on their own. Help kids brush. Then, ask them to take the lead and imitate your actions.
  • Brush in tiny, gentle circles. Make sure to get the front, back, top, and bottom.
  • Make it fun! Kids should brush for about two minutes. Sing the alphabet song to keep track of time.
  • Fill kids’ diets with “anytime foods.” These include fresh fruits and vegetables and low-fat cheese.
  • Drink water; it’s good for teeth and bodies!
  • Brush or rinse after a snack, and space meals and snacks to give kids’ mouths a chance to wash away food.
  • Visit the dentist twice a year.
  • Ask the doctor or nurse to look at kids’ teeth and gums at their next visit.
  • Let kids see you take care of your own teeth by modeling good brushing and eating habits.