Gabriella and a group of kids playing with bubbles.

Emotional Well-Being

Supporting children’s emotional well-being through research-based resources for the whole family.

The youngest children are often overlooked in discussions about mental health — but there’s growing evidence that young children are struggling, now more than ever.   

The American Academy of Pediatrics and other groups took the unprecedented step of declaring a mental health emergency among our nation’s children. During the pandemic, many young children missed out on opportunities to develop essential skills for long-term emotional health.

That’s why we’re redoubling our efforts to address the emotional well-being of all young children and their families, with new resources that celebrate joyful everyday moments, teach children the skills they need to understand and express their feelings, and help parents and community providers recognize the signs of more serious mental health challenges. Our beloved characters make this topic approachable in the way that only Sesame can.   

Nearly 90%

of parents believe children should understand and support mental well-being in themselves by age 5.

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Make a gift today and help us transform how the world supports children, wherever they may be, for generations to come.

Over 25% of Parents

have used mental-health services for their child.