What Is Violence?
It can be hard to explain violence to young children, but there are age-appropriate ways to do so.
Together, watch this video and answer any questions children have about the conversation between Elmo and his dad. Be sure to offer lots of comfort and reassurance that you are there for them.

We’re Not Alone
A music video on the power of community connections.

1, 2, 3, Color Me
Sitting quietly and coloring together is a stress-reliever for adults and children alike.

Trauma and the Body
An article on the effects of violence on children.

I Can Stay Safe
It’s important for children to know several people they can turn to when something goes wrong.

Using These Resources: Violence
Article about the Sesame Street Community & Gun Violence initiative.

I Don’t Want to Live on the Moon
A song about the power of human connections.

Community Conversation: Community Violence
Many communities are unfortunately impacted by community violence, but there are people and organizations striving to help. You can, too!