Show Your Love
An article about the importance of fathers expressing their love for their children and suggestions for how dads can show their feelings.
When kids know how much their dads love them, they feel more confident, have greater empathy, and behave better later in life.
Here are a few easy ways dads can show their kids how they feel:
- You don’t need a special occasion to say “I love you.” When you say good-bye for the day or goodnight at bedtime, that’s a great time to add “I love you.” It can be a way to tell kids they did something funny or interesting. Kids may be comforted to hear “I love you” when they’re feeling sad or upset. And of course, “I love you” is a wonderful thing to say for no reason at all!
- It means a lot when dads tell kids they are proud of them. When a child does a good job cleaning up, brushing their teeth, kicking a ball, or drawing a picture, try saying, “I’m proud of you!” It’s an easy way to build their confidence to take on new challenges.
Tell kids you love them—and show them! Regular hugs from dad help a child feel secure and understood.

The Wiggle-Jiggle Game
A video about a getting-to-know-you game that helps kids appreciate similarities and differences.

Barbershop Bonding
A video about the community bonds of the Sesame Street barbershop.

Take Your Child to Work Day
A video about “take your child to work” day, and the bonding, learning and inspiration that can take place there.

Grandparents Are Grand!
There’s a lot that grandparents can do to bond with grandchildren (even at a distance) and to help them build the social skills they’ll need in school—and in life!

A Blended-Family Celebration
Meet Sesame Street’s new Monster-Fairy Family—and celebrate the new possibilities that a blended family can bring.

Abuela Makes a Quilt
A storybook about the bonding that can happen through art.

Supporting Fathers
This webinar to helps providers better understand, celebrate, and support fathers.