New Friendships
Children need the support of the adults in their lives to help ease them back into familiar routines.
Seeing friends after a long while apart is exciting–but it also may feel awkward. In this video, Abby Cadabby and her friend, Drew, are a little bit nervous about playing together again.
Before watching: Remind your child that they’ve been looking forward to playing with friends again for a long time. But like anything else that hasn’t been done for a long time, it may take some practice before friends can be in sync again.
While you watch: Point out some of the emotions that Abby and her friend are feeling. First they are happy, but a little shy. Then they are nervous, when they each want to do a different activity. How do they feel when they figure out how to work things out?
After watching: Talk about the difference between playing independently, as has happened quite a lot over the past year, and playing with others. Discuss the skills that are needed to get along with friends: turn-taking, compromising, communicating. Remind your child: Like Abby and Drew, you may feel awkward at first, but before long you’ll remember how much you’ve missed this, and you’ll be a pro!

Learning Party
When children feel welcome and included, school can feel like a learning party that they’re invited to each and every day!

Learn & Grow: Inside, Outside, on the Go
Learning can happen anytime, anywhere—inside, outside, or on the go!

Sesame Street Back to School Music Playlist
This curated playlist is perfect for both little learners and educators alike! A mix of energetic hits and mellow tunes sets the mood for getting into the learning groove.

Learning Party Lyrics
Every day can be a celebration of learning. Keep the music going!

Inside, Outside With Bert & Ernie
Children can play—and learn!—along with Bert and Ernie as they observe and notice, gather and collect, sort and match, and use clues that build reasoning skills.

My Classroom Circle
Children can create their own unique circle canvas to share their favorite things with their classroom community... and see what they may have in common.

Just for Teachers: The Magic of Circle Time
Learning is all about relationships!