
Move Along With Elmo

A bundle of resources to help families stay active and healthy at home.

Watch the video together and move along! Then play the video again. Turn down the volume and sing on your own, substituting kids’ names for “Elmo” (“________’s got the moves”). Encourage kids to sing along and use other names in the song—yours, a friend’s, a sibling’s, or names of other Sesame characters. (For groups, add a rule: when one child’s name is called out, it’s their time for a dance solo, then it’s their turn to call someone out next.)

Sing the song whenever you want to help kids channel extra energy! Try replacing some of Elmo’s moves (and words) with your own favorites (for instance, instead of a “wiggle and a jump,” try a “hop and a shimmy”).

Remember that you can get moving to any song. Consider making a “family favorites” playlist and invite kids to take turns playing DJ or radio host. Family members can “call in” to request favorites or give shout outs.