Lily’s Favorite Smoothie

To get in enough servings of fruits and vegetables every day, it helps to drink some of them!

Lily loves her healthy green drink! For one large or two small smoothies, blend together:  

  • 1 banana  
  • 1 handful spinach or kale (frozen or fresh; Lily’s friend Micah also uses a handful of home-grown wheat grass) 
  • A few slices of mango (frozen or fresh) 
  • 1 cup milk (any kind) 

Pour into cup(s)… and watch for a green mustache! 

Here are more yummy combinations:

  • 1 banana, ½ cup canned pineapple (in 100% natural fruit juice), 4 orange segments
  • 1 banana, ½ cup frozen blueberries, and 1 cup of any kind of milk
  • ½ banana, 1 cup orange juice (100% natural), ½ packet of instant oatmeal, ¼ cup plain lowfat yogurt, ½ cup ice