H is for Helping Hands
Adults hold the power to help children through difficult times.
In this workshop, you’ll remind families that they are the “helping hands” who can help children through difficult times. Give each parent a copy of the printable.
- Encourage parents to think about all they do with their hands every day, especially things that involve their child. Remind them, “You pat their backs and squeeze their cheeks. You button and snap their clothes. You hold hands crossing the street to keep your child safe from danger. You clap your hands to encourage her or celebrate her accomplishments.”
- Tell parents that now they’ll use their hands to remember the most important points of helping children through troubling times: “We often use our hands to count on our fingers. In this case, we can count five specific things to remember as we help our children cope during chaotic or stressful times.”
- Distribute pencils and paper (one sheet per parent). Have parents trace their hands on the paper and encourage them to write one of the following words (below) on each finger and think about its meaning, then discuss each.
Guide the conversation to include the descriptions below
Helping Hands: Remembering we’re not alone, there are always helpers
Hugs: Feeling safe and secure, comforted and reassured
Hearts: Appreciating the power of kindness and compassion, showing empathy
Hear: Talking, listening, communicating
Here: Keeping familiar routines and being present
- Ask parents to describe what each strategy might look like in action, in real life. Put special emphasis on “Hear”, and how to answer children’s questions such as “What happened?” and “Will this happen again?”. Have parents brainstorm answers to the questions. Then emphasize that while it’s okay to say they don’t know, it’s also important to have answers ready.
- You might conclude by discussing ways parents can apply these 5 H’s to take care of themselves during troubling times, as well, so that they can take better care of children.

1, 2, 3, Color Me
Sitting quietly and coloring together is a stress-reliever for adults and children alike.

I Can Stay Safe
It’s important for children to know several people they can turn to when something goes wrong.

We’re Not Alone
A music video on the power of community connections.

Trauma and the Body
An article on the effects of violence on children.

Using These Resources: Violence
Article about the Sesame Street Community & Gun Violence initiative.

I Don’t Want to Live on the Moon
A song about the power of human connections.

Community Conversation: Community Violence
Many communities are unfortunately impacted by community violence, but there are people and organizations striving to help. You can, too!