Healthy Food Helps!
Information on staying healthy during COVID-19 and beyond!
Spread the word—eating well helps us stay healthy! Share these on social media (you can use this suggested text):
Eating nutritious foods is a great way for us to keep our bodies healthy and strong. #InItTogether #CaringForEachOther
Making a grocery list with the whole family can be fun and helpful. Plan out your meals for the week and ask everyone to choose some healthy foods you’ll all need to stay strong and healthy. #InItTogether #CaringForEachOther

Hooper’s Store Reopens
As communities open up, together we can adjust to a new way of doing things—while keeping everyone safe.

When Children Miss Their Friends
There are ways to stay connected with people we love...safely.

S Is for Staying Healthy
Well visits are an opportunity to talk about how to help children grow and develop as healthily as possible.

Chef Lily’s Tip: Roasting a Rainbow
A video about eating colorful roasted vegetables.

Elmo and Abby’s Check-up Play Date
Pretend play can help children “rehearse” situations that may frighten them.

My Whole Healthy Life: Meet Reignen
A video about the different ways a Native American child and his family stay healthy.

My Whole Healthy Life: Meet Wa.Sta.Tse
A video about the different ways a Native American child and her family stay healthy.