Caring Communities: Community Violence Resources
Resources for a strong foundation.
Violence Resources
Below are additional resources on the topic of Violence for those who have completed the Caring Communities course. These resources are for you to share with the children in your care and with their families at home.
Super Grover’s Super Pose
A video that helps children conjure up feelings of confidence and safety.
I Can Stay Safe
It’s important for children to know several people they can turn to when something goes wrong.
Circle of Good
Even in the darkest times, people come together to help each other.
Sirens Mean Helpers
A video about helping children who are fearful of sirens.
Age-by-Age Strategies
In times of stress, children of different ages will have different needs.
H Is for Helping Hands
Eight-page guide with tips and strategies for helping children cope with troubling times.
Offering Comfort in Scary Times
Ways to comfort children through scary times.
1, 2, 3, Count on Me
A storybook about the power of community.