I Can Feel Safe
In this video, Elmo explains and celebrates the safety and security of his blanket fort.
First, explain that Elmo was feeling scared and sad and needed a safe, cozy place. Together, watch “I Can Feel Safe”—in which Elmo has built his very own blanket fort—all the way through. Talk about what kind of safe places kids might create for themselves.
You can also explore Big Bird’s strategy for feeling safe here.

Learning How to Count, Breathe, Relax
Small things can set kids off, but you can teach them a self-soothing breathing exercise to use on their own.

Feeling Safe
In order for healing to begin, it’s critical that kids feel protected and safe.

Slow Down & Settle Down
Parents and children can share ways they calm and soothe themselves. This video provides more self-care ideas.

It’s Not Easy Being Green
A song about being ourselves.

Abby's Broken Wand
A storybook featuring strategies to help children cope with big feelings.

Creating Feelings of Strength and Confidence
A focused movement activity that builds confidence and a sense of groundedness.

Helping Children Make Meaning After Trauma with Chandra Ghosh Ippen
Learn how young children experience trauma and what can help with Sesame Workshop’s Tara Wright, and clinical psychologist and author Chandra Ghosh Ippen.