
Helping Children Make Meaning After Trauma with Chandra Ghosh Ippen 

Learn how young children experience trauma and what can help with Sesame Workshop’s Tara Wright, and clinical psychologist and author Chandra Ghosh Ippen.

In this webinar, Sesame Workshop’s Senior Manager of Content Design, Tara Wright, and clinical psychologist and author, Chandra Ghosh Ippen, discuss how to accompany young children through and support them after potentially traumatic events. Throughout the conversation, characters from Chandra’s thoughtful stories help to illustrate complex ideas and model how to meaningfully respond to children’s experiences.  

By the end of the webinar, you’ll have: 

  • New ways to think about trauma, especially as it relates to young children. 
  • Knowledge of the many ways both children and grown-ups may respond to danger or adversity. 
  • A renewed appreciation for the important role caring grown-ups play in helping young children cope with and move through trauma. 
  • Ideas for how to better support children and families in your care including stories and other resources that spark conversation and connection. 

Get to know Chandra! Chandra Ghosh Ippen, Ph.D., is Associate Director of the Child Trauma Research Program at the University of California, San Francisco and Director of Dissemination and Implementation for Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP). She has co-authored more than 20 publications related to trauma and diversity-informed practice and has a growing collection of stories designed to support children who have had scary experiences, such as weather events and natural disasters, moving multiple times, experiencing separation, or living with an adult struggling with mental illness or substance abuse, among others. Chandra sits on the board of ZERO TO THREE and is also the director of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) Measure Review Database. In her spare time, she bakes pies with her son. She is on a mission to bake 1000 pies in her lifetime and a pie in each of the 50 states. 

You can access the many stories discussed in this webinar by visiting https://piploproductions.com/stories/

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