The “I Can” Flower
Traumatic experiences can hurt a child’s confidence and self-esteem, but there are ways to begin strengthening it again.
A boost of confidence can come from you! Work together to create your child’s “I Can” flower.
- Invite kids to draw their face at the center of the flower.
- Encourage kids to choose a petal, do what it says, then color it in.
- Help kids say the Muppet’s “mantras” (“I can calm myself down.” “I can give myself a hug!” and so on) out loud, taking a few deep belly breaths before each statement.
- Along the stalk, write a few words that describe things the child can do (draw, be kind, ask for help, jump, and so on). When you’re both finished, hang up the flower in a place you can see it often!

I Can Do It
Having confidence in one’s ability to learn and grow is a powerful force in healing, and allows kids to build a sense of hope for the future.

H Is for Hope
For kids who have experienced trauma, hope can lead to healing.

Creating Feelings of Strength and Confidence
A focused movement activity that builds confidence and a sense of groundedness.