
Talking with Children

A video discussion to help parents talk to children about racism.

Talking about race and racism isn’t always comfortable, but it is necessary. There are ways parents can have difficult conversations, even with young children.

  1. Watch the video to hear why these conversations matter.
  2. Read the article “Never Too Young: Ages and Stages of Racial Understanding” to consider developmentally appropriate ways to introduce concepts around race and racism. You might print a copy, mark the age of your child, and keep it as a reminder of where to start.
  3. Explore how you can incorporate themes of empathy and identity into your family’s everyday moments.
    • To build empathy, ask questions to help children consider others’ experiences. These questions might start with, “How would I feel if…?” and “How do you think that person feels?
    • Encourage a positive self-identity in your young children. Together, finish these sentences: “I am proud of…” “I feel confident when…” “I am good at…”