Slow Down & Settle Down
Parents and children can share ways they calm and soothe themselves. This video provides more self-care ideas.
Parents and children can share ways they calm and soothe themselves. This video provides more self-care ideas.

Abby's Broken Wand
A storybook featuring strategies to help children cope with big feelings.

It’s Not Easy Being Green
A song about being ourselves.

How to Manage Big Feelings
We can help children notice, name, and manage their big feelings.

Where do you feel big feelings?
Use this graphic to start a conversation with your child about big feelings.

How Big is Your Feeling?
A scale to figure out how big your child’s feelings are.

How to Recognize and Respond to Big Feelings
An article for families to help recognize and respond to your child’s big feelings.

Helping Children Make Meaning After Trauma with Chandra Ghosh Ippen
Learn how young children experience trauma and what can help with Sesame Workshop’s Tara Wright, and clinical psychologist and author Chandra Ghosh Ippen.