Positive Ideas Jar
When we have big feelings, it can help to take a moment to calm down and start again.
All feelings come and go, but sometimes we want feelings such as frustration, disappointment, or sadness to go away a little bit more quickly. Calm-down strategies such as a taking a deep breath, listening to your favorite song, or going on a walk outside can help. Use this printable activity to help you make your very own Positive Ideas jar. When your child is having big feelings, suggest he try an idea from the jar.

Elmo’s Bravery Bandage
A coloring page to help celebrate a child’s bravery when getting a shot.

Hooper’s Store Reopens
As communities open up, together we can adjust to a new way of doing things—while keeping everyone safe.

Elmo Gets the Covid-19 Vaccine
Elmo and Louie share their experience with the COVID-19 vaccine.

Mindful Caregivers
Practicing mindfulness is a great way to slow down and reset.

When Children Miss Their Friends
There are ways to stay connected with people we love...safely.

Soothe Snuggle Slowdown: Songs and Strategies for Restful Sleep
This curated playlist helps little ones (and their tired grown-ups) relax and unwind! A mix of mellow tunes sets the mood for naps, bedtime… or just some much needed down time.

Good Questions (and Answers) About Covid-19 Vaccines
Common questions children ask about vaccines, and possible answers.