Need It or Want It?
Help children understand the difference between needs and wants.
What’s the difference between buying something you want and buying something you really need? Young children may not know yet. It’s helpful to point out the difference between needs and wants when making choices.
- Explain the things that people need. (“All of us need nutritious food, water, shelter, and clothing. These are things that keep us healthy and safe.”)
- Then explain the things that people want. (“Sometimes we want to buy an extra thing, like a new toy or special snack. Those extras are not as important as the things we need. It’s OK if we have to wait to get them, or choose not to get them at all.”)

You’re Doing Great! Financial Education for Families
An article about how to stay strong and connected as a family during tough financial times.

For Me, For You, For Later: First Steps to Spending, Sharing, and Saving—Educator Guide
A guide with resources, activities, and tips for educators on bringing financial literacy into the classroom.

Making a Spending Plan Together
Watch Cookie Monster learn about making a plan.

Elmo’s Spend, Share, and Save Jars
Watch Elmo and Abby learn financial education basics.

Wants and Needs with Bert and Ernie: Financial Education for Kids
Watch Bert help Ernie learn the difference between wants and needs.

For Me, For You, For Later: Family Spending, Sharing, and Saving
A guide with resources, activities, and tips on how and why to start children’s financial education early and how to talk to children during tough financial times.

For Me, For You, For Later
An interactive guide for educators to teach financial education concepts and skills to young children.