Memory Boxes
A box full of mementos can help comfort kids as they remember a loved one.
- Watch the video together, then create your own memory box just like Jesse’s. Help children find special things that remind them of their loved one who died, such as photos, drawings, items of clothing, or books the person used to read to them. Put these things into a box (it can be as simple as an empty cardboard box).
- Decorate the box with stickers, crayons, markers, or pictures. Whenever they like, kids can look at the items in the box to remember times they shared with their loved one, and special things about the person that they always want to keep in their heart. Together, find a safe place to keep the box.

Something New
In this story, Elmo’s cousin Jesse helps remind children that big changes can mean new opportunities to learn and grow.

Jesse Expresses Grief Through Play
A video to show how children can express their feelings of grief through play — and how grown-ups can help.

Re-grieving as Seasons Change
A video that shows how grief can come and go throughout life.

Growing as We Grieve
Parents and caregivers, reflect on your own experience of grief and hear what has helped other families cope, thrive, and find joy.

Growing as They Grieve
A special guide for providers supporting children who are grieving.

Supporting Grieving Native American Children and Families
Learn ways to support Native American children and families who are grieving with compassion and cultural humility.

Grieving and Growing: Helping Families Navigate Bereavement Together