Lifelong Journey, Lifelong Learning
Talking about racism for the first time—and taking a stand against it—can feel daunting. But there are things parents can do to move past fear…and into action
Racism is everyone’s problem, and we all need to do our part to stand up against it. But talking about, or even thinking about racism can be a daunting task for many parents. Fear of making mistakes or offending others can hold them back from diving into this important topic. Fortunately, there are things parents can do to move past fear and into authentic action. Doing some “heart work” can equip parents to lead their families to stand up against racism together.
Grappling with racism and its impact on ourselves, others, and our society is a process. In this video, Patricia encourages us to think of it as a lifelong journey, one that will take honesty, humility, and resilience! Thinking of ourselves as lifelong learners can help us take mistakes in stride and commit to doing better every day.
Watch the video, then consider these guiding questions:
- What kind of world do I envision for my children’s future? What are my hopes and dreams for them?
- What does a “posture of learning” mean to me?
- What mistakes am I afraid of making? When have I made mistakes and learned from them?
- What are some beliefs I previously held and changed? What things, people, or ideas have helped me grow?
More about our guests:
The other videos below feature Patricia Taylor and Shannon Evans, mothers of young children who are passionate about creating a kinder, safer, more equitable world for future generations. Read more about Patricia and Shannon here, and watch the full conversation right here.