Health Provider Resources
We’re here to support pediatricians, nurses, promotores, and nutritionists just like you.
As someone who provides support for children, there are many topics that will come up in your work. Here are just a few places to start if you’re looking for health care resources.

Eating Well
Fresh, healthy foods help build strong bodies and minds.

Physical Activity
Children love to move—anywhere, anytime! Being active together helps channel kids’ natural energy and keeps them healthy and strong.

Health and Hygiene
Practice healthy routines and good hygiene habits to help the whole family stay well.
Looking for even more resources to explore? Check out the latest.

Visiting the Doctor: Helping Kids Grow Up Strong & Healthy
Preparation and communication help you get the best care for your child at every medical visit.

Connecting & Communicating
Communication and connection with families is key to building a strong, effective healthy team.

Communicating at Doctor’s Visits
Good communication leads to good care for your child.

Elmo and Abby’s Check-up Play Date
Pretend play can help children “rehearse” situations that may frighten them.

I’m Listening
Good communication amongst family, healthcare providers, and children leads to trusting relationships and inspires healthy habits… and well-child visits are a great time to communicate!

Hooray for Healthy Teams
A child’s healthy team includes parents, extended family and caregivers, teachers, doctors, nurses, …and themselves!