
Ahlan Simsim Families

Empowering caregivers with positive parenting skills to enhance responsive relationships, early learning, wellbeing, and safety.

Ahlan Simsim Families aims to:  

  • Enhance caregivers’ understanding of early childhood development (ECD) and Learning through Play.
  • Boost caregivers’ confidence in engaging in playful and nurturing interactions with their children.
  • Bolster caregivers’ emotional wellbeing.
  • Promote safety and security for families.
  • Offer children culturally relevant and inclusive early learning experiences.

106,077 people

Ahlan Simsim Families reached 508 educators, 37,485 caregivers and 68,084 children (age 0-8) through their caregivers

90% of Caregivers

90% of caregivers achieve minimum score on an assessment measuring developmentally supportive interactions with their children, 70% in knowledge on promoting ECD, 100% in satisfaction, and 78% in attitudes towards gender.

Ahlan Simsim Families Reach

Ahlan Simsim Families Reach by Country Donut chart showing 5 segments. Syria Chart segment spanning 63.5% of the whole. Iraq Chart segment spanning 20% of the whole. Lebanon Chart segment spanning 11% of the whole. Jordan Chart segment spanning 5% of the whole. Yemen Chart segment spanning .5% of the whole.

Ahlan Simsim Families Reach by Country

Ahlan Simsim Families Reach by Partner Donut chart showing 2 segments. Local Partners Chart segment spanning 53% of the whole. IRC Chart segment spanning 47% of the whole.

Ahlan Simsim Families Reach by Partner

Ahlan Simsim Families

Who we
worked with

group of caregivers

Caregivers of children ages 0-8 from displaced and host communities

Where we

Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan

How we delivered content

In person and remote
Trained facilitators deliver session to small group of adults remotely or in person



Structured Program
Caregivers receive 1 session per week, for 30 minutes, over 12 weeks

This program enhances caregiver engagement through 12 group sessions available for both in-person and remote delivery. Covering topics like child development, disability inclusion, positive discipline, psychosocial support, and safety and hygiene, the modular structure allows for adjustable sequencing and frequency that is suitable for various settings. Groups may be mixed or segregated by gender, depending on the context. All materials were designed and developed in Arabic.

Facilitators receive essential materials, including a session guide for in-person programs and phone call scripts for remote delivery. Post-session, all caregivers are sent extra digital resources via WhatsApp, including tips, activities, and multimedia content on counting, shapes, colors, and expressions for children. For in-person sessions, facilitators have a set of print materials and flashcards for use during interactions, and distribute a publications guide to participants to enhance learning at home. Ahlan Simsim Families builds on previous International Rescue Committee (IRC) parenting curricula adapted for the region and has evolved through multiple adaptation rounds informed by monitoring data and feedback from clients and facilitators. These insights have shaped the selection of topics, session titles, and the design of materials. The phone-based remote adaptation was developed in response to COVID-19 and remains an alternative in hard-to-reach communities.

Training and Supervision

Facilitators complete a three-five-day facilitator training to enhance their knowledge and skills in delivering high-quality ECD interventions for caregivers of young children. Available remotely or in-person, the training includes semi-annual and annual refresher sessions. The curriculum covers topics like inclusion, mental wellbeing, positive discipline, play-based practices and facilitation techniques.

They also receive ongoing individual or group coaching and mentoring sessions addressing contextual challenges and opportunities for improvement. Support sessions are scheduled as needed: weekly, monthly, or quarterly. Facilitators also have access to Ahlan Simsim E-learning modules that can be covered fully online and can also download the Kadr Facilitator Application which provides easy access to program materials and multi-media content, streamlining activity management.

Ahlan Simsim Families​ monitoring and evaluation plan was developed, incorporating various tools to assess program effectiveness and quality. These tools included post-tests and a survey for trained educators, a caregiver survey, an observation tool for both remote and in-person sessions, and a caregiver registration sheet. The monitoring and evaluation teams routinely collect and share data with program staff in learning and reflection sessions (two to three times per year). Ahlan Simsim Families went through multiple rounds of monitoring data analysis and client feedback that enabled teams to make adjustments to improve the program’s design and delivery.


IRC logo


Play to Learn logo

Play to Learn

Sesame Workshop.

Sesame Workshop