Gabrielle posing with her hands on her hips.


Gabrielle is a six- and 3/4-year-old girl with a vibrant and curious personality.

Birthday: November 18

Gabrielle is a six- and 3/4-year-old girl with a vibrant and curious personality. She enjoys singing, dancing, and going on nature walks with her friends.  

Gabrielle loves animals, especially her fluffy gray pet bunny, Harriet. In school, Gabrielle’s favorite subjects are music, reading, and writing. She lives with her mother, father, and grandparents and has a close relationship with her grandmother. They love cooking family recipes together, and Grandma Nell always has a story to make her laugh.  

The Muppets of Sesame Street crowd together with a few friends to take a huge group photo.
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Where to find Gabrielle?
You can find her on Sesame Street!