Try Not to Laugh Challenge: Bert and Ernie Edition
We may be biased, but we think that Bert and Ernie are one of most iconic comedy duos of all time. Between Bert’s steadfast demeanor (and super-expressive eyebrow) and Ernie’s playful jokes, this dynamic duo has been making us laugh since 1969.
We dare you to watch all ten of these clips without cracking a smile!
1. Ernie Gets Bert to Exercise
Are you laughing yet?
2. Bert and Ernie Blow a Fuse
How about now?
3. Bert’s Bust
Was that a smile we saw?
4. Ernie Buries Bert in the Sand
Come on, nothing?!
5. Bert Shops for Dinner
Okay, that one was funny.
6. Same Old Bert
How are you not laughing?!
7. Ernie Has a Banana in His Ear
Not even a grin for this classic?!
8. Bert Feels Cold
Let’s try again.
9. Ernie Eats Cookies in Bed
Okay, one more.
10. “Here Fishy Fishy”
Admit it: We got you!