Five Resources to Help Your Child Celebrate What Makes Us All Unique
People are like snowflakes: Each of us is unique.
We might look different from one another, speak different languages, eat different foods, play different games, or live in different places, but we’re more alike than we may think. Here are five games, activities, stories, and songs to help show children that our differences are what make us special, and are something to celebrate, not to fear.
The Wiggle-Jiggle Game
Watch this video to learn how to play “The Wiggle-Jiggle Game,” then try it for yourself! Children of all ages can wiggle and jiggle their bodies along with Wes, Elijah, and friends to show what they like and dislike. They (and you!) just might be surprised to see what we do – and do not – have in common!
I Am Me
No one person looks quite the same. In this interactive game, children can observe differences like hair color, skin color, and eye color, and create portraits to celebrate the fact that every one of us is beautiful in our own way.
Bert & Ernie: Two Best Buddies
Despite being opposites in many ways, Bert and Ernie are the best of buddies. Read this storybook together and discuss with your child all the things that Bert and Ernie do and do not have in common. Let kids know that anyone can be friends, no matter who they are or what they like.
Beautiful Me
Download and print this drawing activity to help children form a positive self-identity about the way they look. Print extra sheets so you can join in the activity, and help children to consider that, although we all look different on the outside, what matters most is what is on the inside.
I Am Somebody (Giant)
I am, you are, we are…somebody! Children can watch the video and sing along with their favorite Sesame Street friends to celebrate the fact that every one of us is special. After watching, you can personalize the lyrics so that they apply to your child!