Animal Yoga
Use yoga to get kids stretching and moving!
- Watch the video together, then try some of the yoga poses you saw (replay segments as needed). Tell kids that even though yoga is a slow, quiet exercise, it still helps us grow strong and healthy. Point out that kids are building important muscles as they hold these poses.
- Next, ask: “What other animal shapes can you make with your body? Can you make other shapes, like a tree or a boat?”
- Ask children to lie on their backs and focus on their breathing. You may count aloud slowly as they inhale (“1, 2, 3”) and exhale (“3, 2, 1”). A soft, steady voice will help them focus their minds as they calm their bodies. As in the video, you might put small objects (such as blocks) on their bellies so they can watch as they rise and fall with each breath.
Visiting the Doctor: Helping Kids Grow Up Strong & Healthy
Preparation and communication help you get the best care for your child at every medical visit.
My Whole Healthy Life: Meet Reignen
A video about the different ways a Native American child and his family stay healthy.
My Whole Healthy Life: Meet Wa.Sta.Tse
A video about the different ways a Native American child and her family stay healthy.
Connecting & Communicating
Communication and connection with families is key to building a strong, effective healthy team.
Elmo and Abby’s Check-up Play Date
Pretend play can help children “rehearse” situations that may frighten them.
Rosita’s Favorite
Regular check-ups can be a fun and informative experience for the whole healthy team, kids included!
Communicating at Doctor’s Visits
Good communication leads to good care for your child.