Teaching My Brain
Compassionate self-talk can turn difficult moments around.
Watch the video with children and remind them: We can teach our brains to help ourselves feel, learn, and work better. One way we can teach our brains is by talking to ourselves.
Notice how Louie talks to himself when he’s frustrated, and let children see you model it in times of stress. You’ll be teaching a strategy they can use over their lifetimes! You might use phrases such as:
- I won’t give up; I can figure this out.
- I’ll take a deep breath and keep trying.
- I always find a way!
- I can do this/I got this.
- If I can’t do this, I’ll ask for help.
The next time the moment calls for it, help your child do the same.
Mindset Matters
Mindset is how we see ourselves and the world around us. It’s the “lens” through which we understand events, handle challenges, and think about our own potential. And research shows that mindset is important to children’s overall health and development—it affects emotional and physical well-being, as well as learning and thinking skills.
A compassionate mindset is the ability to see ourselves and others with kindness, understanding, non-judgment, and optimism. A compassionate mindset helps us be kind and loving to ourselves when we’re having difficult feelings and experiences and especially when we’re in a more serious state of distress. It helps us keep trying to reach our goals and ambitions even when there are hurdles.
A compassionate mindset also helps us savor and celebrate the joy and beauty of life!

Hum Along to Sunny Days With Elmo and Friends
A video about the power of humming.

Mindful Caregivers
Practicing mindfulness is a great way to slow down and reset.

What Mental Health Specialists Want Parents to Know About Anxiety
An article for parents about childhood anxiety

When You’re Concerned About Your Child’s Mental Health
An article for parents concerned about children’s mental health.

Mental Health Resource and Support List for Parents
If you’re concerned about—or considering seeking professional support for—your child’s emotional well-being, there are lots of resources just for you.

Soothe Snuggle Slowdown: Songs and Strategies for Restful Sleep
This curated playlist helps little ones (and their tired grown-ups) relax and unwind! A mix of mellow tunes sets the mood for naps, bedtime… or just some much needed down time.

Components of Community: Creating Social Connections to Address Mental Health