
Talking About COVID-19 With Children

An article of simple ways to talk about COVID-19 with young children.

Facing a health emergency brings up feelings of stress, uncertainty, and confusion, especially for young children. While we don’t want to overload them with information, we can try to answer children’s questions honestly. And we can always offer comfort. There are simple ways to talk about COVID-19 with young children:

  • Ask children what they’ve heard about COVID-19. This will help you share only the information that they need right now.
  • Ask them how they feel about it. Assure them that all their feelings are okay.
  • Explain that COVID-19 is a virus that can make some people very sick, but there are ways to protect ourselves and others.
  • For example, we can…
    • wash our hands with soap and water for 20 seconds;
    • say hello in new ways, such as waving from afar, tapping toes, or wiggling;
    • help prevent the spread of germs by sneezing or coughing into the bend of our arm; and
    • stay indoors and keep a safe distance from others.

Remember, your children look to you for guidance and comfort. You have a great opportunity to show them that even in times of unease, you can still find joy in the little moments you share. You’re in this together.