Let’s Make a Sensory Bin!
Children can learn about themselves and the world around them by using their senses.
It’s important for children to explore using their senses. Investigating how different things look, sound, feel, smell, and even taste helps them understand the world around them. Plus, learning—and practicing—new ways to describe their sensory experiences can build their vocabulary while laying the foundation for richer conversations about feelings and emotions.
These resources will…
- offer simple activities to do together to encourage conversations about senses,
- give children the opportunity to talk about how things look, feel, and sound,
- and provide something to do when children need a calm-down-break.
In this video, you’ll learn how to create a sensory bin with your child. The video will give you step-by-step instructions for how to make the bin using just a few items from around your home. The video will also model how you might use your sensory bin to help your child build vocabulary, talk about feelings, or calm down when he’s having big feelings.
As you make your own sensory bin, remember to use materials that are safe for your child, avoiding objects that could be small, sharp, or breakable. Adult supervision is always a good idea. And if you’re using dry beans or rice, be sure not to let them go to waste—just give them a good rinse before you cook them!
Even though babies may be a bit young to use a sensory bin, you can still help them engage their senses! Offer assorted plastic toys or teethers, textured balls or blocks, or pieces of fabric to crinkle and cuddle. Just be sure the objects you offer are safe for them—we know how babies love to put everything in their mouths!