New Ways to Ask for Help
It’s important to equip children with ways to reach out to others on their own.
Just as children may not have the words to express their feelings, they may also struggle to find the right words to ask for help when they need it. This page can be used as a tool for children to ask for help… without words.
Print this page, then color and cut the squares with children. When sharing them with a parent or caregiver, explain that these cards are meant for children to ask for help. When they receive them, they should meet the request on the card. When introducing this resource to children, you might say:
When you need a grown-up, you can hand these cards to them. You can use them to ask, to talk, to play, for a hug, or for help.

Many Ways to Play
Spending focused, dedicated time to play can be a powerful tool in fostering connection and joy.

Karli & Me Activity Book
This book can support you in building children’s resilience when faced with the unique issues presented by a parent’s addiction.

Hand in Hand: Supporting Children and Families Impacted by Parental Addiction
An interactive course designed to support providers working with children and families impacted by parental addiction and substance use disorder.

A Friend Like You
Conversations between Salia and Karli.

Parental Addiction: Healing Families Together
Join us for the second webinar in this series in which we examine how parental addiction affects children.

The Child’s Voice: How Parental Addiction Affects Young Children
Join us for the first webinar in this series in which we examine how parental addiction affects children.