Meet Salia
A day in the life of 10-year-old Salia and her family.
Together, watch this video of a day in the life of 10-year-old Salia. She has three little sisters and a mom and dad in recovery, and they’re all thriving now. Afterward, ask:
- How does Salia explain what addiction is?
- How is Salia’s family the same as your family? How is it different?
- What does Salia do when she has big feelings?
- How does she meditate? Let’s watch again and try it together.
- Why is drawing and writing about her feelings important to Salia?
- What does her family like to do together? What do you like to do with your family?
Special thanks to New Directions for Women in Costa Mesa, CA.

A Friend Like You
Conversations between Salia and Karli.

Many Ways to Play
Spending focused, dedicated time to play can be a powerful tool in fostering connection and joy.

Karli & Me Activity Book
This book can support you in building children’s resilience when faced with the unique issues presented by a parent’s addiction.

New Ways to Ask for Help
It’s important to equip children with ways to reach out to others on their own.

Hand in Hand: Supporting Children and Families Impacted by Parental Addiction
An interactive course designed to support providers working with children and families impacted by parental addiction and substance use disorder.

Parental Addiction: Healing Families Together
Join us for the second webinar in this series in which we examine how parental addiction affects children.

The Child’s Voice: How Parental Addiction Affects Young Children
Join us for the first webinar in this series in which we examine how parental addiction affects children.